Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Summertime and the living is...


Yep! It is another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group! 

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

The awesome co-hosts for the July 5 posting of the IWSG are PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, Gwen Gardner, Pat Garcia, and Natalie Aguirre!

July 5 question - 99% of my story ideas come from dreams. Where do yours predominantly come from?

Hmm...not dreams so much. 

I get my ideas at the Ideal Idea Emporium. I have a loyalty card in fact, because I go there so often. My favourite part of the store is the Rant & Rage Section where I pick up ideas based on my most recent outraged feelings. I am particularly drawn to rants about the environment, human rights, racism, and equality for women. Now you must realize that these ideas are quite raw and need a fair bit of refinement to be usable.

A section of the store that I stay well clear of is Political Correctness Aisle. I find the ideas there quickly get stale and some even spoil altogether. 

I can spend hours in the Eavesdrop Café where for the price of a cup of coffee I can linger and overhear lots of juicy conversations. I go there when I forget that not all people are like me and therefore my characters mustn't be too much like me either. I need some different views, quirky turns of phrase etc...

My all time favourite section is Zeitgeist. That aisle is very odd indeed. It is full of large stoppered bottles that you are invited to open and take whiffs from. Those scents springboard you into ideas that you might not have known were even available but when you get them, you must use them quickly as they very rapidly become known far and wide. 

For poetry inspiration you can not beat the Forest Walk department. I go there when I'm depleted from rage (see above) and need to be reminded that nature heals and inspires.

Sometimes, when I'm really fed-up with my own monkey mind, I go to the Meditation department. You pay a small fee (which is the cost of feeling like if you are not actually typing you are not writing) sit down and settle your mind. When you aren't looking for ideas and in fact want to empty your mind - well, let's just say we are very contrary beasts we humans.

How about you? Where do you go to get your ideas?


Anonymous said...

I want to visit your emporium! Sadly, sometimes I visit one called” The Keep your Head in the Sand Emporium,” but that is only when I have spent too much time in the Rant and Rage Emporium. Today I am visiting the “Let’s See What this Beautiful Day will Bring Emporium.” I am especially fond of that one.

Natalie Aguirre said...

You're so funny. I loved your post. It was so creative. I hope you let visitors into your emporium sometime.

Gwen Gardner said...

Haha! I love your Eavesdrop Cafe idea. Very clever. Gwen here, co-host for the IWSG.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I like that emporium idea. I'd stay clear of that one aisle, too.

J.Q. Rose said...

What a clever post! I think all of us need to accompany you on your next visit to the emporium! I'll even buy you a cup of coffee. Thanks for reminding us to use our imaginations and have fun with our writing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes, clever! Is there a Blender aisle? said...

Thanks for the entertaining take on the question!

Pat Garcia said...

I love how you answered the question. I am laughing because I've been there too.
All the best.
Shalom shalom

Shannon Mackle said...

Just a couple of months ago, I gave this relationship doctor Robinson buckler a try. It was my last hope to get my ex husband back.

Weeks before my ex left me and our 2 children, there were a lot of argument and fighting between me and him. On the day he left me, he told me that he doesn't think he loved me any more and this was not working. I was so devastated hearing this, I begged him not to go and I even promised that I would change. But he made up his mind already. He packed his bags and left our house.

I tried calling him and texting him to tell him I miss him and still love him. I asked him to give us another chance. He slowly stopped replying to my messages and stopped picking up my calls.

I then searched the internet on how to get ex back, and even bought a few products such as text your ex back and ex recovery system. Nothing worked, and my ex was still very cold towards me.

When I was about to give up, I found Robinson buckler ex back program. He is a relationship coach with a lot of success stories. I knew what I needed was not a book but a coach to guide me how to make my ex fall in love with me again. I immediately signed up for his program.

In the first couple of days, I made a lot of good progress. I am happier and more confident. My ex saw the positive changes in me, and started to talk to me more and even asked me out for dates.

Fast forward two weeks later, my ex told me that he wants to give our relationship a second try. I was beyond happy when I heard that.

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