Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Writing Life

Here we go! It is 9 am and the kids are still in bed. Why you ask? Because it's a snow day - Yay. For once I wish I had curtains. I do not want to see winter wonderland right now. I really don't. So just a bit of a stick teaser (ooh that sounds bad but...) I am telling you all that I am going to sequester myself in my office and write all day. By now. I'm off. I'll report every 1,000 words. Kay?
first report at 11:12 : 65,158 – March 31, 2009
2nd report at 12:23 - 66,103
must admitt though that last thou is me speculating on the story so would never show up - I have to do it though because the clues and witnesses and suspects are piling up and I SIMPLY MUST GAIN CONTROL. okay I won't shout now. going to go eat and then come back.
3rd report at 8:29 PM - 67,064 - yoicks! 3 thousand today yay! I'm beat.
going to go read my book about the fundamentalist Mormon's.

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