Saturday, September 5, 2009

It is gray and quiet outside. SP is downstairs working on an invoice to take to town. He has some work to do at someone's house - no rest for him. I'm going to go for a great big fat walk with Hoagy -none of these skimpy walks he's been getting from me. Then I'll work on my query and start packing for Tuesday morning. really, I just wanted to show off my harvest!! And there's more! I'm a bit freaked that SP won't go in when I'm gone and get the cukes (about 8 getting big) and the rest of the beans and so on. All will be fine except if the tomatoes finally ripen...just have to trust him. Everything tasted so darn good too.
Next year lots more!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Beautiful harvest! Ours didn't turn out so well this year. But that could be because I neglected the garden a bit...

Mystery Writing is Murder

Jan Morrison said...

a little busy were we? I had such LOW expectations of my garden - all I wanted to do was make the bed so that next spring it would be ready in time for a real garden! Now I need to think about the query and agent or no agent and Canadian or American and multiple or single and well you know.

annie said...

Hey I like the new banner image - my very favourite boat in the world.

joe doaks-Author said...

Ohhh, working on the query, that caught my attention. Lots of good luck on that, they’re not easy to write…not to mention the pain and suffering of a three page synopsis that touches all the required bases.

Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!
What a bounty!