Wednesday, January 2, 2013

IWSG - plus one

yep ... I did the post the day before the group met. So just read the post below for a true insecure hit. Things are better since I shared. I'm writing a bit - sneaking up on it. And I have poems ready to go out. yep.
hope you're all swell in the new year! Hit the link to go see other insecure writers and how they are coping ...


Words A Day said...

glad to hear that your getting back in your writign stride Jan!

Words A Day said...

writing... you'd think I'd know how to spell it by now:)

Trisha said...

Glad to hear things improved since the previous post! Seems that your baby steps helped you get started again! :)

Liza said...

Sometimes we have to approach the bottom, before we can start moving to the top. I hope you are feeling much better.