Monday, December 19, 2011

And where has my writing practice gone?

I haven't been writing. I've been making tiny worlds (Mimi Kirchner is to blame for this) and getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Yes, I know, I'm a Buddhist but hey! I've been making felt creations, peanut brittle and shortbread. I've been going to work (still amazingly busy), Christmas concerts, hilarious Holiday Farces (thanks Malcom for your yearly confection) and carol sings. I've been buying gifts online and organizing my crazy and wildly flung family. I will see both my boys on a day NEAR Christmas. That's good enough. I will see my grandkids on my birthday (the 21st - still not to late!!!) and on Christmas day for a short visit. I will see friends and family in and around my birthday and in and around the days proper. I will celebrate Gomish with my best pals - a long-standing (ok - four years) tradition where we gather at a farmhouse for a decidedly adult celebration involving food, drinks, games and endless chat. Writing? Not so much. My plan will be to fly at it in the new year. I know I'll be less busy at work so...
I'm trying not to stress over this and I'm sharing it with you so that if you have a practice that has gone missing, you won't be heard on yourself either. Let's just promise that we will get back on the horse called 'Discipline' and I know we'll keep that promise.
Hope you're all grand and I'll be by to visit. Get out the rum toddies...


Elspeth Futcher said...

I'll share a secret, dear one, I'm not writing much either. It's getting lost in a sea of baking, cleaning and last-minute shopping and wrapping.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It may be next year for me, too, but I'm with you!
And you are a Hanukkah baby!

Hart Johnson said...

Sounds like really excellent reasons to be doing something other than writing. I hope you have a magical, wonderful birthdya/Christmas week!

Carol Kilgore said...

I haven't written in at least a month, except for blog posts and comments. I go from the moment I wake up until I crash into bed at night, and I can't keep up with everything I have to do. And tomorrow is another cookie day. As soon as the decorations are put away, I think I won't move from my desk for a few weeks at least.

Happy Birthday early, in case I don't get over here on Wednesday.

And Happy Christmas, too.

Anonymous said...

Jan - I know all about trying to juggle writing, working and so on. I think you're quite right that we just have to forgive ourselves when that happens, and get back on the proverbial horse...