Saturday, October 22, 2011

nablowing me down!

My NaBlo posts are in the form of letters to my journal about my revision process. Along the way, I'll include Home-Made Revision Workshop posts, and my Friday Challenges.

Dear Journal,
I know, I know, what's the point of writing in here if I'm not actually revising. But journal, every once in awhile I have to do these all encompassing other things. Right now for instance, I'm not writing this. It is Saturday morning and I am in the dining room of the resort in Cape Breton and I'm in the middle of a big scene with a bunch of people.  It will be both fun ( the view from the dining room is ocean in four directions and I'm not kidding) and funny (I'm Ninette Beazley, my pal,Edna Peach will be tap-dancing drunk and well that's just a bit) and still, work! For which I get paid.
I can tell you that I had a great meeting with my editor the other day and the changes are being made. Characters are getting the axe, focus is being pulled, language pared, weeded, exfoliated, trimmed and yes, topiaryized. 
See you soon!
Here's some postcards I made last year at the Keltic Lodge!


Anonymous said...

Jan - Now that takes skill! You're there, but you're not :-). I hope the mystery weekend goes well, and thanks for sharing the wonderful 'photos!

H. L. Banks said...

Sounds like too much fun and games!! Message from an envious soul of course.

Patricia Stoltey said...

What you're doing sounds like a lot more fun than revising, and in a gorgeous location as well. Nice!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, that sounds wonderful! Stuff that might even be worth it for free! Hope it's fabulous! I am trying to get myself writing at the mo... but somehow I can't hunker down.

Liza said...

Love these photos!!