Sunday, October 9, 2011

It does

My NaBlo posts are in the form of letters to my journal about my revision process. Along the way, I'll include Home-Made Revision Workshop posts, and my Friday Challenges.

Dear Journal,

It was a lovely gathering last night at Deborah's - excellent food - turkey, roast beef, endless and wildly yummy side dishes, pies and cakes and wine and chat. It was warm enough for some of us to sit outside on the deck. There was a very eclectic group - though, as my dear guy pointed out, mainly Buddhist. We didn't stay late, the drive home always sobering. I was the D.D., which was great as I'm still watching what I ingest - the diet is on hold over this feast of eating however!

Today is a funny sort of middle day - no one coming for dinner - no place we're going. I like it. I want to putter in the kitchen for tomorrow's feast here, clean up the joint, and write. Oh, and clean the chicken coop (ick!). 

Yesterday I got a fair bit done, surprisingly, and I want to keep on keepin' on. I have 19 chapters (125 pages) to convert from 1st to 3rd and  also, the other stuff I want to do - enrich characters, eliminate those bits that are just me thinking on the page and don't add to the story, strengthen themes, and clarify clarify clarify. I have thought this would be a separate thing from the putting from first to third but other than the first item of character and perhaps that of themes - I'm doing it all at once. I'm done being surprised at how I do things! I want to let go to the process.

It is another gorgeous day on the planet - I'l talk to you tomorrow, dear journal.


Anonymous said...

Jan - First, what a lovely 'photo! I am so homesick for genuine autumn! I'm glad, too, that you're taking time to live your life in and amidst the revising. That's so important if we're to keep perspective isn't it? And about revising? I do just the same thing you do; as things impact each other I revise globally. That is, I don't revise just one element of what I'm writing at a time. The only thing I really separate is that I revise the story itself first (characters, etc.) and then the mechanics.

Unknown said...

I love your idea of writing journal entries for posts. Just want to apologizes for not being around more. I'm in a blogging slump...well, not really a slump more like a writing high. And as you know, it's difficult to be in two different worlds and keep focused.

Converting a manuscript from 1st to 3rd is hard work. I'm glad it coming along and can't wait to read the final product.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We had guests yesterday and church today, so I really haven't got a lot done...