Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Why I missed last month's meeting of the IWSG

It is the third meeting of the IWSG today. I missed the second. I really try and not miss any meetings because they are essential to my health, but my life ripped apart in January and it is slow mending. I didn't even realize I missed it for a couple of weeks. My best pal of 48 years died. It wasn't unsuspected. She'd had Alzheimer's for years, so in effect I'd lost her a long while back, but you know grief doesn't seem to care about that. I get to mourn the old her now, properly, and the weird sweet human she'd become too. 

To answer this month's question, if I could be anything for a day I'd like to be a merlin. I would like to fly, to hunt, to see the world from above. A few years ago I had a nesting pair of merlins (Earl and Pearl) in my yard, with their three kids (Hewie, Dewie and Lewie) and I was enthralled with them. I think I could learn much with a day in their wings. Then I'd come back to my own aged body and write about it. Okay? How about you?


Pat Garcia said...

I really truly sorry about the loss of your dear friend. Even though we expect something to happen, it always is a big hit. It catches us unaware. Living in Europe as an expat has taught me that and so when I lose someone I don't block the blow, I let it touch me so that I can let go.
I like your one day wish. I sometimes wish I could be an eagle or a falcon just for a day and rise up to a near mountain peak.
Take care and all the best.
Shalom shalom

Liza said...

I know you have been struggling as of late. I wish you happy dreams of your dear friend in which you wake up knowing she has touched you, yet again. Perhaps soaring above the world and seeing the proverbial "big picture" would help us figure out how to mend what is happening down below.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry about your friend. Grief is a bear.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Losing those we love can be so hard.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

So sorry you lost your best friend. Prayers for you and her family.
A bird is popular choice today.

Anonymous said...

Anonymously Esther O'Neill, 0G, no signal. Merlin - great choice, a hawk, and the suggestion of magic too. Losing a precious friend twice would be so painful, but now, she's at peace, might be easier to remember her before dementia. . My three closest childhood and teenage friends died long ago , from an autosomal condition. Miss them still. -

Margot Kinberg said...

I am so deeply sorry for your loss, Jan. A part of us goes, too, when we lose those we love. And you're right; it doesn't matter the circumstances; grief doesn't care about that. Wishing you peace as you go on, and may healing come and bring you comfort.