Friday, April 10, 2020

I is for irrational in the A to Z of revising


Irrational? Yep. It is without a doubt a completely irrational move to attempt a novel at all, let alone taking an unwieldy mess and trying to revise it. One must be mad to attempt something so crazy. And yet millions do, and boy, as a reader am I glad they do. So when I get feeling like tossing the whole thing in the bin, I say to myself - let's just do this - it is crazy - a long-shot, a bad bet, clearly a waste of time - but hey - let's do it anyway. Irrational? You betcha!


Margot Kinberg said...

I agree with you, Jan. It really is irrational if you think about doing a novel as a whole thing - which I suppose it is. But if you break it down and just do it, it starts to make sense. I've found that if I do it all bit by bit, it really does fall together in some sort of (I hope!) cohesive way. And that makes it all feel a lot less irrational.

Jan Morrison said...

Yep, Margot, it's plain insane - but so are most worthy adventures I guess. Yesterday, after writing this, I actually powered through a bit more of my revision. It made me feel so good.

Operation Awesome said...

There is nothing rational about novel writing, and even less about novel editing.