Saturday, August 4, 2012

free falling Saturday - what makes a Fat Saturday?

For those of you who have read me over the years I have often posted about Fat Saturdays. They have nothing to do with how I feel when I look in the mirror. Fat in this sense reclaims the original goodness of the word. Fat as in enough to spare, lots, jam-packed. For me and Saturdays it usually includes a visit to the market with my step-dot, reading the fat week-end paper, having folks over for dinner, or going over to a good friend's home. It means playing in the garden or knitting or making something. Sometimes - when I'm on a spree - it means writing on my work in progress. It might include a long chat to my sister on the phone (she lives far from me) or a day out the bay with the man in the canoe. All of these make a Saturday fat and fun. Fat like a baby - bursting with goodness!
Today will have some of the qualities of a fat Saturday but not all. It won't quite make it to that category. Why? Because although I am going to watch my eldest grandson play ball in a tournament and that will be fun, and although me and the fella are going to Annie's for a scrumptialidocious dinner on the deck - in between are too many have to's.  In twenty-two days a big container will be coming to take away three floors of our stuff to store until we can get into our house up the hill. I have twelve boxes packed. I think probably 276 more might do it but I'm not sure. China, books, art, clothes, knic-knacks, office stuff, computers and cameras and then all the packing for our extended stay in a flat about an hour from here - canoes and rowboats and a ginkgo tree have to be uprooted and put down somewhere (probably our house up the hill on the side where the people live who aren't mad at us). And then there's the other stuff - sending emails off to all and sundry reminding them to please use my gmail account as my other one won't be operative. Figuring out where our mail will go in the meantime. Making sure the step-dot knows anything she leaves here will go in a container and NOT BE AVAILABLE under any circumstances until October or November. Gah!
So today is not a true Fat Saturday. Not enough laziness in it.
As for writing - well, I might continue on my wip a bit - not sure - still sneaking up on the climax though I had a thought last night.
my grandson preparing to steal home. Yep, he did it!
How about you?


Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Moving and packing up is soooo stressful, I know... But you sound like you have everything under control. I normally have a whole fat weekend - chilling out and doing favoyurite stuff! Not WIP but blogging often comes into it!

Anonymous said...

Jan - Oh, I know what you mean - all too well - about having too many "to do" items on the ol' list. Moving does that to you. It sounds as though you've got things well-organised though and that's wonderful. I think that's key to getting through it all with some degree of sanity.