Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lovely misty-moisty Saturdays and writing

It is a misty-moisty morning - no, excuse me, it is now afternoon - a whole one minute into it - and the day lilies are just starting to bloom. I don't mind the weather because I want to get a few things done that don't require the outdoors and I don't want it tempting me! I'm putting in all the hand-writing I did this week - into my computer that is. It is somewhat relaxing and if I try to not let myself edit too awfully much it won't take too long. The hand-writing I did will bring me up to my desired number of words for this time in July. My aim is to have 80 thousand by the end of the month and if I do about a thousand a day I will get there. I will have without any NEW writing today -about 57,700 words - if I do three hundred new ones - I'll be a thousand a head. Yay.
I'm also tidying up the joint. Doing the floors making everything shine again as we have guests for dinner and an open house tomorrow. Won't be too much work as it is still pretty spiffed.
The other thing I'm doing is trying not to scratch. Yep, got sun burnt from t-shirt down to wrists just like a farmer and it is at the terrible itchy state. I'll go put a big bunch of aloe vera - I keep it in the fridge - I am so hoping I don't peel. I'm usually such a maniac about staying covered up - don't know what I was thinking!

I'm still really enjoying my work in progress - I've included yet a fourth voice - that of an elderly eccentric named Ethel. Man, I'm loving finding out about her - so interesting. I love this part so much. Also entering hand-writing is different - my writing by hand is different all together or I think it is. Not trying to pay too much attention - the metaphors are rusty, the language not exact enough, but just trying to get the story down and I'll fuss with that later.

photos taken in Vancouver of Emily Carr statue

I was reading a biography of Emily Carr yesterday. It is an old one that I keep at my office. Do you know Emily Carr? You really should. She's such a fascinating creature - I'm mad for her. I was reading about how she was painting when she was my age, sixty. She'd had some success although it is hard to realize how much as I don't think she thought she was. successful that is. And she didn't quite live off her art but more off of being a landlady and off the small bit she'd inherited as one of five daughters from her father. She never married and kept animals and was generally, well, I'd say difficult. But man oh man - her paintings make me cry. They are so right.

Here is a painting of hers - so many to choose from...

Okay then - it is back to work I go...


Writer Pat Newcombe said...

Fabulous painting, Jan! I can see why you like her work... Good to hear the word count is going so well - keep it up!!! You have my admiration - I keep getting bogged down with my WIP at the minute!!

Unknown said...

I really love that painting. The sky looks like a tunnel to some kind of gorgeous sparkly place that we'd all love to go, while the foreground is dark and dismal, like the stresses of everyday life. Maybe the painting's about dying and going to heaven. Thanks for putting it up! :-)

Anonymous said...

Jan - Thanks for that interesting information about Carr - and the painting too! I really do need to get to know her work.

Good news about your writing, too! So happy for you that you're moving ahead as you are :-)