Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oh Blah Dih, Oh Blah Dah

My NaBlo posts are in the form of letters to my journal about my revision process. Along the way, I'll include Home-Made Revision Workshop posts, and my Friday Challenges.

for pictures of our trip please go to my non-writing site - Living the Complicated Simple Life

Dear Journal,
Yesterday was a spaced out day. Still under the influence of heavy duty pain killers so didn't accomplish much. Unpacked my bag, assembled an easy dinner from the leftovers of the Sunday meal that the lovely guy made, read a little and that's it.  This morning I go to see my doctor and acupuncturist. The pain is still pretty wild but I'm hopeful it is on the wane.

I'll try and tackle some of my revision this afternoon but am promising nothing! Not even to myself.Gwen isn't coming as I'm not here this morning.
Do check out the pictures above - I have lots more. On the ride home we went through one amazing cloudscape after another and between the step-dot and I took a fair amount of photos. I was glad so many of them turned out, as I wondered if they weren't just enhanced by my meds!

later lovely journal, dear readers...
Here's one to rest your eyes on.


Anonymous said...

Jan - Yes, life indeed goes on. I hope your pain eases; I really do. And thanks for the lovely 'photo!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I love cloud photos. So relaxing, don't you think? Although with pain killers I find I don't really much help with relaxing.

Take care.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Pretty clouds! And...hope you're back to normal soon, Jan. Pain is awful to deal with.

ShannonAnn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your back and all that pain you're dealing with. That is a rotten bit of luck. I hope it heals quickly. XO