For anyone who came by earlier - I had a blip and published about twelve of my challenges at once - gaaaaah! Won't tell you what that led to.
So here goes with one!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Friday Challenge...
It is Friday here in Nova Scotia and that means a challenge is in store for you, dear readers. Because we have a bit of a holiday feeling around here - it being the eve of both a hurricane and a long weekend, I'm going to make it more playful than um....deep.
Here is my last week's horoscope from Rob Brezsny who is a fantastically and dementedly brilliant astrologer. I'm a Sagittarius:
"In the movies I've seen that depict battle scenes from hundreds of years ago, every army has numerous soldiers whose job it is to carry festive flags and pennants. If this is an accurate depiction of history, what does it mean? That powerful symbols were crucial to inspiring the troops' heroic efforts? That touches of color and beauty lifted their morale? That they were more inclined to do their best if inspired to imagine they were participating in an epic story? Whether or not my theories apply to what actually happened back then, they apply to you now. As you go forth to fight for what you believe in, bring your equivalent of an evocative emblem."
I would like all of you dear readers to design your own pennant, flag or emblamatic device to encourage you when you feel your energy besieged by the enemies within - hopelessness, exhaustion, distraction and a decrease or surfeit of ego. You can either draw or assemble this pennant as a collage or simply describe it in words.
Have fun!
Here is my last week's horoscope from Rob Brezsny who is a fantastically and dementedly brilliant astrologer. I'm a Sagittarius:
"In the movies I've seen that depict battle scenes from hundreds of years ago, every army has numerous soldiers whose job it is to carry festive flags and pennants. If this is an accurate depiction of history, what does it mean? That powerful symbols were crucial to inspiring the troops' heroic efforts? That touches of color and beauty lifted their morale? That they were more inclined to do their best if inspired to imagine they were participating in an epic story? Whether or not my theories apply to what actually happened back then, they apply to you now. As you go forth to fight for what you believe in, bring your equivalent of an evocative emblem."

Have fun!
I hate when blogger posts them at the wrong time. However, this idea (about the motivational flag) is great!
Silly Blogger!
I do miss Fridays in Nova Scotia. Sigh! Hope the homeland is keeping well.
Jan-do you mind if I use your comment in a post? I think it would be helpful. Thanks....Judy
This is a fabulous idea!! Thanks I will do this and share with others. Cheers~
Beautiful pennants!
I love this idea, Jan. :)
Clarissa - I think, in this case, it was my mistake - I thought I was copying ONE post and I copied a page of Or I should say...derr.
Talli - it is lovely right now in Bluenoser land - I just went berry picking with Hoagy - blueberries, raspberries and blackberries - all at once.
Judy - not at all - I'd be honoured.
Nancy - cannot wait to see!
Elizabeth - aren't I have to make one myself.
Jan - What a wonderful idea! It really makes one focus on one's strengths. I think it also makes one focus on what makes one unique. And I love the visual aspect of it. Research shows that lots of people are visually/spatially oriented. What an interesting and creative way to tap that...
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