I got to the Elizabeth Bishop House at noon on Friday and I stopped writing today at 3:30 pm. When I wasn't writing I was sleeping, eating, reading (editing books except at night), or knitting lace. There was nothing to do there and that was the delicious point. The whole place is designed to drive you to your discipline. Just a neat old house like your old country auntie might have lived in. Odd rambling rooms, funny linolium everywhere, doilys, a pump organ and NOTHING to do. Yes. I did go for two walks but they were short because it was damn cold. I read about Bishop's life on my little breaks and walked around taking photos of the various things of interest.
For more of these - do go to my other site - Living the Complicated Simple Life where I'll do an essay on home photo safaris.
Isn't it too dear? I slept well and I was worried about that. No dog, no man, weird noises...
The other one was the library. Full of books by and about Elizabeth Bishop. Lots of distractions.
Yes. It was a good trip. And I'll go again. I got lots done - more on my process in a later posting - this is just to let you know I'm good, I'm home and I know I didn't post a Friday Challenge. Couldn't. No internet, and none at home the night before. They like to get paid apparently - just from time to time. Jeesh.
Glad you had such a great trip, Jan! I love the pictures from the retreat. Not having much to do sounds like the formula for getting lots of writing done!
Thank you for your comment Jan. It means so much.
Elizabeth - yep. Just like a meditation retreat, if you keep everything really simple, you can concentrate on what needs to be concentrated on.
Tina - can you get a little retreat in? Just a day is sometimes heaven.
Liza - you're more than welcome - your words are still floating around in my head and heart.
Oh, what a great little place! I love it! And I'm so happy for you that it was really productive (and also that you got home to full appreciation from man, dog and dinner!
I'm glad you got recharged on your retreat. An amazing spot, for sure.
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