Tuesday, December 21, 2010

solstice birthday girl speaks

Oh, I am a shameless promoter of my own birthday. And why not, I ask you? If you were born four days before Christmas you might also be someone who toots her own birthday horn. Now I'm doing a wee dance in celebration of the day.
Imagine my delight that there is a movie coming out celebrating my birthday? Oh sure, it's about the end of the world on Dec. 21st, 2012 but hey!
Let me tell you my plans for the day. You are rapt aren't you? Sure you are. Grab a coffee and I'll begin but I'm warning you - some of you will be worn out by simply reading what I've done today already!

Sweet Patootie's alarm woke me at four so I could check outside to see if the sky was clear enough to see the full lunar eclipse. It wasn't so I snuggled back in for two more hours. Then I got up - made coffee, woke the step-dot and we put on our faux pagan clothes plus boots and hats and mitts and drove to the look out on the Purcell's Cove Rd. A friend of mine - a pagan - had told me that she and a group of other pagan types would be there to drum up the sun. It was WILD WEATHER - wind and rain. It took us about 45 minutes to get there. We were the first ones there and I brought my camera and step-dot hauled the provisions (coffee, oranges and candies I'd made yesterday) The true pagans arrived but not my friend. I introduced myself and Sarah. They were kindly indifferent to our presence. We were kindly indifferent to their idea of drumming up the sun - which we couldn't see and haven't yet as it is a WILD WEATHERY DAY. After a bit of storming about we left and went to Tim Horton's for breakfast - yay! I love step-dot I do - she makes everything an adventure.

Then home. I lit a fire, Sarah went off to do what she likes. Now I am to write with Gwen after some hearty emails and phone calls from assorted folks.
Later this afternoon I'll do some more holiday baking. I'll pay some bills and pick the charity that will receive my dough this year in the names of my family and some friends. Then I'll make a nice chili for the family gang tonight - my son will be bringing my three grandkids and we'll all decorate the tree. Last night my step-dot took part in the Solstice ceremony at the Buddhist centre with me in happy attendance. So - Buddhist, pagan, Christmas/pagan - all good!
Here are some crazy pictures of our adventure...


Mason Canyon said...

Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Sounds like your day is off to a good start. I hope all your wishes come true. I always knew I like the winter solstice, now I know why - I've been celebrating your birthday all along and just didn't know it yet. Have a grand day.

Thoughts in Progress

Liza said...

Happy Birthday...what a great adventure to begin with...sorry you didn't get to see the sun. We woke up today to snow, in honor of your birthday, um, I mean the first day of winter. Wishing you much joy Jan.

Elspeth Futcher said...

Have a wonderful birthday, Jan and try to keep dry!

Hart Johnson said...

Sounds like you're having a great day, Jan--I'm really glad! And I love combining all those traditions. I figure if you attend to all the religions, you get a lot more holidays, eh?

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Wild weather always makes me feel so alive, so energized. I think this sounds like a fine birthday morning and perfect soltice. Happy wild day to you!

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy birthday! My nephew shares your birthday :-)

Danette said...

Happy birthday! Sounds like a great way to celebrate the day! I love the waves crashing on the rocks-- terrific picture!

Carol Kilgore said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it turned out to be the best one ever. My hubby's birthday was Friday. And my mother's birthday was on Christmas Day.

Hope you're still celebrating on Christmas. Have a merry one.

Words A Day said...

Happy birthday! The longest night just for you to party! Hope it was wonderful!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Those photos look cold and blustery, the kind of weather I choose to cuddle in my favorite chair with a cup of hot tea and a good book. You were very brave to get out there.