Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rainy Saturday and writing

Today is another rainy day. Just perfect for catching up on two days missed of NaNoWriMo. So I have done three hours of revision. I managed to write 3 1/2 thousand words too which is what I will use for my word count. This part of the revision includes a bit of writing so either way - I'm getting my time in!

My back is sore and I'm a wee bit under the weather - because of the back but also just November yucky feeling. We were going to take Felix and the dog and go strolling down at High Head because the waves would be high after the high winds yesterday but although we were prepared for some rain - this is too much - so Sweet Patootie has made bread which is in the oven baking - and I've been writing.

I'll probably go and get the Globe & Mail and make another pot of coffee to enjoy. Small pleasures will take me out of this funk Maybe I'll add some chocolate to that list. Yeah, chocolate.

Next weekend I'm going to help at a Healing and Cancer Circle in Saint John, NB. This is that group I raved about in the spring. I said I wanted to join their circus and they let me. I'm quite psyched about the whole thing AND it means I'll have to do extra hours as I'll be gone from Friday early until Sunday late...If I catch up this weekend I should be able to tack a few extra half-hour sprints on each day and keep up. Whew! Why did I say I want to do this?

Oh speaking of the carrot and the stick - a friend, a fabulous artist friend, named Katie Belcher, sent me this link on motivation  Have a look - the idea is amazing and the execution with the animated sketches is fantastic.

What motivates you to keep going?

1 comment:

Glynis said...

Did you buy your chocolate? Sorry I took so long to read this. I've been running behind on everything lately. But . . . I wrote a post about chocolate today that you might be interested in.