My son, Cal, was in town for just the weekend - spending time with his brother and family. For one reason and another I was happy to have him do this and even more pleased to have a late Mother's Day lunch with him at the Nixie Cafe near here. Yep, a nixie is a mermaid and I'd not been in the place since it stopped being Golda's a few months ago. Golda had retired and sold the place. It is just fifteen minutes from here and really the closest decent little spot to have high tea or whatever. and the lad had a nice time, catching up and enjoying each other's company. When I got home, the sweet patootie was there. He'd finished earlier than he thought and we both decided that a walk with Hoagy out to High Head would be grand. I took the camera and off we buzzed. Now we're home - I'm going to share these photos with you and in a little while we'll pick up the step-dot. It's her birthday and we're going to a fave Vietnamese place for pho. We love pho.
So that's a pretty all right Sunday, isn't it? Oh, and I did a DEEP clean of the two bathrooms - washing floors and everything. Yay! My house sparkles when I'm trying to finish some writing.
Here are the photos in no particular order - High Head is the end of the peninsula we're on - Prospect. From it you can see across to Peggy's Cove. It is without question, my favourite spot in the world. I wish I could give you the smells and sounds today - the spicy smell of the low cedar and cranberry bog, the amazing sound of the onshore wind as it bashed us about when we were on the cliff - the sounds of the gulls and crows playing in the wind. And my two happy guys, roaming and looking and sniffing and just completely absorbed.
Oh pretty! I'd rather be there.
Very nice! Sounds like a great day - you accomplished a lot! :)
Thanks Jan....yes, feeling better. As for heathers..have had no luck with them to be truthful, but see them flourish in other south shore gardens(((. As for your photos today...I can smell the cranberry bogs..yes I can! and I can feel the hard cold granite...the crusty crinkly seaweed and the furry lichen.. It was a great day! What a wind heh!"lift the 'air rite off yer ed!"
Beautiful country, Jan. I especially like the photo of the path up the hill with the tree at the top.
And congratulations on finishing that first draft. That's BIG!
Diane - anytime you like - give me a shout and I'll put the kettle on. bring your hiking boots!
Jemi - yep, I crossed lots off my to-do list...wheehaw
Brenda- you got it exactly - but then you would! Yes, I'm afeared heathers are going on my too much trouble list. I am the same with plants as I am with clothes - no fussing - survive or be kicked to the curb.
Patricia - that is a favourite view of mine on a walk of many many views! I'll post a few more today, I think.
Came to check you out because you are a fellow Joni Mitchell fan :) Nice to meet you!
Hi A A! - I've seen your comments here and there - so glad you dropped by - I'll come visit you today.
Lordy, that looks cold. And beautiful! It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend!
Straight From Hel
Congrats on finishing the book, Jan! And it sounds like a great weekend! Your little piece of paradise looks wonderful!
Glad you had such a nice Sunday. I love fun and productive days regardless of what day of the week they fall on. I also enjoyed reading the Book Thief.
What a gorgeous day! And I would like to know all about Nixie!
Helen- no not cold - refreshing!
Tartlett- oh it is - it is paradise enow!
Jane - I would like to think it doesn't matter what days productivity fall on but I do. For instance, I like seeing lots of clients on Friday so that I really DESERVE the weekend. So crazy.
Faith - a nixie is a water spirit so the Nixie Cafe took over a place called Golda's (the previous owner's name) that had a mermaid theme. I'm not sure why they didn't call it The Mermaid Cafe (Joni reference) but calling it Nixie was sort of sweet and somewhat obscure for most folks out this way, I would think...
I can see why It has ever been your favorite spot in the world. You can see glorious views from up there. The view is breathtaking. It seems that you had a great time.
hi decorators fabric - if that is really your name!! We did have a great time...
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