I'll be done this soon. This deluge of photos I mean.
Confession time - I have no time this week. I'm holding down the fort by myself and that means getting kids off to school and back and forth from music and rugby practice - making sure there is food somewhere available for those here - tending to chickens - collecting eggs, letting them in and out of house and or pen, making sure water and food is topped up - walking the dog and making sure he is fed and gets out for a pee late after chickens are back in - meditating every day - working on True to keep momentum up and WORKING - whew - no wonder I don't have time to write lengthy blogs and check everyone's sites. So now, I'm off to meditate and then sleep. Ron is home on Friday - and we are immediately going to two celebrations - I miss him and this is a two adult operation! I don't, you understand, just miss him because he does a lot around the place - I miss him for lots of reasons which are none of your beeswax!
On another note, tonight two nice things happened. I went and heard Jane Urquhart (The Stone Carvers, The Underpainter, Changing Heaven) read from her newest book - a bio(her only non-fiction) of LM Montgomery and a bit from her novel that will be out in the fall. She was wonderful - if you haven't read her - do! Then I went picked up step-son and we had a long talk about Buddhism. Wow! I love being in the car with teenagers. When I get annoyed with all the back and forthing I will remember this.
Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for coming out this weekend. It was wonderful to have you there. I hope to see you soon. Can you imagine using that little Acadian house as an artist's studio? I think about that every time I wander through the gardens. xoxoK
Ooh Jan! What moody pictures! The top photo of the trees evokes such mystery.
I find I am more appreciative after a few days apart from my sweetie. That bit of space generates gratefulness for all the little things he does. And I'm not running my own farm and teenagers. Here's to glad reunions!
beautiful shots....
Katie! It was so good to see your work - your beautiful work and meet your family. And as you can see, I packed a lot of photo taking in an overnight trip! And there are several hobbit houses that I want to move into in AR - the one in the battlements for instance (a couple of postings back. But for writing of course.
Faith - yep, I miss the man and as it is almost always me that goes away it is a good reminder of how precious (and helpful) he is. I was totally thrilled to see you describe this place as a farm because I have a terrible case of 'barnheart' (google it). I wish this was a farm but alas it is only a house in the burbs with a cliff feature and six chickens! To me it is a farm though...
Pat - thank you - I checked out your site - you write very compelling stories about your life. Thanks for dropping by.
The photos are just beautiful Jan. What a keen eye! Those occasional little heart to hearts with teenagers are wonderful. You can once again see the eager child puberty masked.
Sounds like things are hectic for you at the moment. Isn't life great!
Sorry you've been so busy, but I can relate.
And I LOVE that last photo. B&W speaks to me.
Yay for suggestive comments! And yay for returning spouses that return responsibilities back to normal. I love the pics, but want you to have your help so you can do all your writing, visiting, meditating, dog walking stuff without feeling overly strained.
Ann - thanks and you are so right. I don't need much, just the occasional conversation thrown my way...
Diane -I know you can! I've been reading your blog. I'm glad you like the last one but it ain't b&w! Just the water reflecting the trees.
Tartlett - yep, that'll be good - I'm looking forward to it. And sleep! I can't sleep with the snoring guy and I can't sleep without him.
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