Today is the first day of my life. Now break out the old 80's music. Wouldn't it be swell if life had a sound track? I mean a coherent sound track written by musicians to go along with what was happening. It is any wonder we can KNOW at all what is going on without one. We can't when we're watching a movie. Ah - the woman is going towards an old tumbled down house [scary music begins] - she steps onto the porch [scary music gets a bit louder] - she opens the door [scary music goes crazy] - a small girl wearing white with a preoccupied look on her face drifts by [paranormal music]. You get the point. If there wasn't any music to tell us what to feel we might think a woman is looking in an old house just like we might when we're in Montana and run across a 'ghost' house. Perhaps the young girl in white is actually her daughter who has been acting weird lately but then she's thirteen and her mother sort of expects to be ignored...etc...
Now - the kind of music I would like today is some of that uplifting, pitter patter let's get atter music - perhaps Stand By Me or Rita McNeil's Working Man. Go find her on youtube - I tried to imbed it but don't know how yet (any offers of instruction?) Something uplifting but also let's get on with it shall we? Today - I'm getting back in the saddle - I'm going to work on my novel, True, that I left alone last year to write one and a half mysteries. I wanted to because I didn't want to mess up True - I really like it and want to do it justice. Suddenly, last week, when I had to take some of my work to a writing group I was facilitating for Gwen - I realized the only work I wanted to share was True. That told me something. And I'm listening. I said to myself and others, that I stopped writing it because my main character moved to Alberta. but really it was because I am scared of plot! I can figure this out.
Now I'm going to go and write. Talk at ya later...
Happy Writing, Jan!
Congratulations Jan. I hope you find the music to facilitate the writing. Can't help you with the imbedding thing! My writing music is Mozart.
Have a great first day of life and writing day.
Go write. Really. Stop reading these comments and write. (wow, I'm bossy) Seriously, best of luck.
Ha! All you had to do was listen and the soundtrack popped up! Good for you! Good luck getting back to it. I know you can do it!
Glad to hear you're fired up!
I'm all for the music!
And if you copy the html code on the side from a YouTube video and post that, it will show up in your blog.
Hi All! I had a good day - lots of reading of the wip and some writing. I think that I have my beginning and my end and it is the middle that I need to pay attention to. It has been fine to take this break from it though - it still feels good and fresh and I liked it! Yay! Lots of good - some big old holes and some middle to figure - some more conflict to manage...
Just to straighten things out - I don't listen to music when I write - I couldn't. Just the sound track in my head. I wanted a sound track for my decision to get back to True - that's all! And Diane - that's what I did but it didn't show up as a link just a bunch of letters. I'll try again but not now - no time - want to get back to it while it is hot.
It's interesting that you mention music. I write my words to certain types of music to get me in the mood. I guess it's common. Moved to Alberta huh? Does he like Tim Hortons?
Hi Ann - I just wrote a long answer to your question and the computer ate it. Dang I hate that! Yes, my main character, a woman goes to Nelson, BC for Christmas where she has a meeting with her long estranged Dad. She and her husband go to visit him in his home in Stand Off, Alberta and eventually move there. I was born in Medicine Hat but really don't know southern Alberta very much. Characters are very willful - I have tried to get her to come home to Nova Scotia but she flat out refuses. I want to go to southern alberta and do a bit of research and I just can't afford it - I can either be a part-time writer and not travel very much or a full time psychotherapist and get in the odd trip. I choose to write now. Thanks for your visit and I'm sure to mention Tim Horton's which is a crucial part of life here in the Maritimes too!
Hope your writing went well. :) I'd LOVE to have a playlist to help me know how to process things! I'm the world's worst at social cues. So if I could have a laugh track so I knew someone was being funny, that would be helpful! :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
Have you ever thoght about
a soundtrack to your life?
Or an event in it?
I have...
Sort of a musical journal...
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