Saturday, January 2, 2010

stormy day

it is a stormy day and I'm moving slow. I did some hugging and kissing and I meditated and I gave the dog the shortest walk ever - down to the store before they closed up and went home. I looked at writing - both sojourners and earth bound but didn't really do anything. don't feel so good - hope it is just recovering from too much rich food. Ron is making a mild curry dinner and the wood stove is going and candles are ready for we are sure to lose power some time. It has snowed and sleeted and rained frozen drops and now the clothes line is heavy with ice. Just a matter of time. We'll be fine though, warm and snugged in. I just want to read Wolf Hall - I'm in the last third but it is over 700 pages long so that is still quite a bit. We are listening to 'don't smoke in bed' sung by Nina Simone. How brilliant is she?! She just forgot the words but no one cares - they love her. I love her too.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Sounds cozy.

Stacy Post said...

Love Nina Simone! She really sings with emotion. Perfect music for a homebound day. I hope you feel better soon!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Wow, is that what snow looks like? I'd almost forgotten...

Jan Morrison said...

Elizabeth - it was cozy and today we're taking turns digging out! I made the chickens get out of their coop so I could throw in some det (makes it fresh and doesn't harm the birds) and now I'm going to do my bit on the driveway (a small bit)
Stacy - yes, the perfect sound. I still feel kind of dodgy but will persevere!
Diane - you fink!!!!! I'd like to forget. I'm moving to your house...clear a space.