Sunday, November 22, 2009

ok - did my four thousand today. Now if I can do just a bit under three thousand a day - I will finish on time. yes! I have a moderately busy week but no kids so should be fine to go. Wow, my head is reeling. here's the thing dear readers - I'm nearly a hundred pages in and I don't know who the murderer is. Yikes! I've got several choices but whoever this person is they are very very clever. And most of my choices aren't. Oh well - I'll figure it sooner or later. They've just struck again and it is getting very weird. Damn this National Novel Writing Month thing. Later my dears...

1 comment:

joe doaks-Author said...

You know what’s neat about not knowing at this juncture…neither will the reader. Really, it’ll be so well camouflaged that the reader would have no way of knowing…aside from a lucky guess. Cool.

Best Regards, Galen

Imagineering Fiction Blog